Terre Blanche Hotel Spa Golf Resort***** is equipped with a state of-the-art fire detection system, and our staff has been trained to respond to any emergency situation.
The Resort's emergency line is 1818.
There are smoke detectors in all areas of the Resort including guest suites. All public buildings (not guest suites) are equipped with sprinklers. Alarm pull stations are located throughout the resort and monitored at all times. There are also fire extinguishers located outside at the entrance of each suite.
It is important to:
- Become familiar with the walkways that lead to and from your suite
- Locate the nearest pull alarm station to your suite
- Note the location of your outside fire extinguisher
- Know how to open the windows or terrace doors and inspect anything that might help or hinder possible escape
- Always keep your suite key-card handy near your bed
Anyone discovering fire, smoke or unusual heat should remain calm and proceed as follows:
1. Go immediately to the nearest fire pull station and pull the alarm
2. After you have pulled the alarm, contact the Resort Operator by pressing "SOS" on a guest house phone. Advise the Operator of the following:
- The exact nature of the trouble (smoke, fire, heat, sparks, etc)
- Exactly where the trouble is
- How serious the trouble is
- Your name and where you are
3. Evacuate the area immediately
4. If you are in your suite and discover fire or smoke, advise the Resort Operator by pressing 0 on your room phone and prepare to evacuate your suite if it is safe to do so:
- When you leave, take your key card
- Keep a wet cloth over nose and mouth
- Close the door behind you to keep the fire from spreading
-If there is a smoke or it is dark, remain calm and proceed to the main lobby / reception building
5. If you are not able to leave your suite, advise the Resort Operator and:
- Fill tub and sink with water
- Always keep your suite key-card handy near your bed
- Wet all towels and linen available
- Place wet towels under door or foor frame
- Do not open or break window unless the fresh air supply has been exhausted
Remain calm, do not panic, someone will be along to assist you